

Our company works since many years according to the highest european standards and guarantees reliable and efficient transport and logisitic services as well as customs assistance.

Here are our certifications, a concrete sign of competence and professionalism:

Certificazioni Bureau

ISO 9001:2015
Quality management system

Farosped management has the strategic goal to meet with the requirement of the ISO 9001:2015 standards and first of all to obtain the full satisfaction of his customers. Therefore we are carrying out some operations suitable to meet with the levels required by the Quality Management System (SGQ) rules with the purpose to assure to our Customers an high quality level of the services offered, in accordance with the technological and human exigences of the field where we are working. Obtained on 25/06/97, the ISO 9001 certification is only the beginning of proceduralization and optimization of all the working systems. 

Cerificazioni Squas

Safety and Quality Assessment System

The Safety and Quality Assessment System (SQAS) has proved its worth as a comprehensive monitoring instrument for uniform assessment of the efficiency of transport operators. An amendment of the test guidelines by the Federation of the European Chemical Industry (CEFIC) further enhanced its value – for road transport, tank cleaning, logistics and the chemicals trade.

The purpose of SQAS is to ensure the protection of employees, the general public and the environment. SQAS audit, which includes an assessment of compliance with legal requirements, goes far beyond the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and certain elements of ISO 14001 are also integrated. The SQAS seal, which is recognised throughout Europe, indicates that our company maintains the highest standards of quality, environmental protection and safety.

Obtained on 22/02/12, this assessment system extends the fields of application of what can be defined as quality working according to the lastest security dispositions, including handling and transportation of hazardous goods ( ADR ). 

Certificazioni Aeo

Authorised Economic Operator

The AEO programme is primarily a trade facilitation measure. Operators established in the EU, that meet specific qualifying criteria, may apply for and receive AEO certification. The aim of the AEO programme is to enhance security through granting recognition to reliable operators and encouraging best practice at all levels in the international supply chain.

The start-up date was the 1st January 2008, and the legal basis is contained in European Council Regulation 648/2005 and European Commission Regulation 1875/2006.

  • AEO's will be recognised worldwide as safe, secure and compliant business partners in international trade;
  • if physical controls are to be conducted AEO's will be given priority treatment;
  • reduced data sets for entry and exit summary declarations – only for AEO safety and security ;
  • AEO's will be in a stronger position to benefit from simplified procedures.

As a consequence of increasing their safety and security standards, traders may also benefit from the following:

  • fewer delayed shipments;
  • improved customer loyalty;
  • reduced security and safety incidents;
  • improved security and communication between supply chain partners.

Obtained on 24/10/2012 this certificate complete the fields of Security application controls, with particular regards to the warehouses and goods under Custom Bonds